
My Recovery Today

Recovery Events

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Recovery Marathon (October)

Speaker List

Keynote: Carver Brown

Carver Brown has presented the “Back to Basics” approach to the 12 Steps to more than 7,000 people across the US. He is passionate about recovery and he brings a message of hope and healing to everyone. Carver is an addiction specialist, a clinical interventionist and a Structured Family Recovery® counselor.

Keynote: Wally Paton

Wally Paton is an archivist, historian and author. His primary area of interest is the miraculous growth of the Twelve-Step movement in the 1940’s.

From 1992-1993, Wally held the position of Arizona Area archivist. From 1994-1995, he was a member of the National Archives Study Committee reporting to the General Service Office in New York City. Since 1999, he has been the overseer of the personal archives of Dr. Bob and Anne Smith. He makes presentations on their archival materials at various recovery events.

He is the originator of Back to Basics, a re-enactment of a series of 1946 Beginners’ Meetings during which newcomers TAKE all Twelve Steps in four, one-hour sessions.

More than 700,000 people have taken the Steps using this time-tested and effective “program of action.” Presently, there are more than 500,000 people who have recovered as the direct result of these Beginners’ Meetings. Wally travels throughout the United States, Canada, and around the world taking attendees through the Twelve Steps in one-day seminars. He also conducts seminars on “How to Sponsor or be Sponsored through the Twelve Steps in 2-3 Hours,” “How Bill W., Dr. Bob, and the First 100 Took the Steps Before the ‘Big Book’ was Written,” The Importance of Nutrition, Exercise, and Meditation for Long-Term Recovery,” and “How to Listen to the Indwelling Spirit,” among others.

Carver Brown

Carver Brown

Drew Boa

Drew Boa

Wally Paton

Wendell Moss

Wendell Moss

Dr. Tom Moucka

Dr. Tom Moucka

Jim Cress

Jim Cress

Ian Cron

Ian Cron

Adam Young

Ian Cron

Kaka Ray

Kaka Ray

Andrew Bauman

Andrew Bauman